A review by thepeachmartini
Jar of Hearts by Jennifer Hillier


Jar of Hearts by Jennifer Hillier
Date Read 31 July 2023
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ (3.75 rounded up to 4)

Content warning - murder (two of which are children), dismemberment, domestic violence, three graphic r*pe scenes (one f/f and two m/f), one attempted r*pe scene, prison life. I don’t know if I’d go as far as to call it fatphobia, but there’s a bit of body shaming/observations about being ‘fat’

I initially gave this 3 stars right after finishing the book. As I stood at the stove stirring my spaghetti sauce I found myself thinking about Geo. As I washed the dishes from dinner I thought about Calvin. About Kaiser. About Cat. The characters got to me, and stuck with me.

This book is dark. It’s hard to read in some parts. It’s hard to find anyone in this book to root for…and it’s hard to think about what you’d do in their situations in the interest of self-preservation. How do you move on with your own life while harboring such an intense secret?

The twists in this book were good - a few I had pieced together, but I think it just comes from reading a lot of thrillers/suspense/crime dramas. There was one piece that as it happened I was like - WAIT…WHAT? But then it all clicked. The ending felt…meh. Weird. Abrupt. A little too tidy. Again…how do you move on with your own life after being involved in something like that?