A review by owlyreadsalot
It Came from the Sky by Chelsea Sedoti


This story started with a bang... literally lol. The farm, plus the experiment that led to the focus on it, were really well done. I've got to say, that first chapter really took me in as the reader. Right from the get-go it sets up what's to come, with the craziness that will become "Is there truly life up there? Or, did the Hofstadt brothers go a little too far?".

Of course, as the reader, we know what's about to transpire. And, it's all kinds of crazy, funny, bizarre, and nerve-racking for days. I can see how it got that far, how Gideon went along with the story, and it made for that much more of an interesting story. I can't leave behind that brother of his though, Ishmael definitely has a way of making things blow up, literally and figuratively.

Not only do we get much of those feels from the first half, we also get it from the second half when things start to get really serious for both brothers. There is much that continues to unfold and become twisted the more further the story gets. This turns from one brother taking it too far, to the other brother keeping it from ending. And wow, he really keeps it going.

My only thing that didn't seem to work for me here, were all of the footnotes. They really didn't do much for me, or my enjoyment of the story. The interviews though, they really gave this story that little added feel that I couldn't get enough of. Yes Gideon, could become a bit disconnected, to engrossed in all of that, plus the experimental parts of it all, but it worked.

Very fun read, with a lot of growth, plus the understanding of what that kind of recklessness can bring to oneself. I couldn't stop laughing in some parts ( I mean really Oswald?? An alien elixir... only one of all the crazy antics that pop up in here), in other parts of this book I couldn't help but be anxious for the brothers (you know it's going to hit the fan). Really good read!

***I received this copy from Sourcebooks Fire, via NetGalley, in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.***