A review by trisha_thomas
Such Wicked Intent by Kenneth Oppel


What an amazing adventure of a book. I'd read [b:This Dark Endeavor|9779094|This Dark Endeavor (The Apprenticeship of Victor Frankenstein, #1)|Kenneth Oppel|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1339610786s/9779094.jpg|14668834], book 1, a while ago and absolutely loved it. Dark and gothic, it took me to an unbelievable time and through awful tragedy.

and here we are, Elizabeth and Victor, after that tragedy. Even Henry is touched by the loss. When Victor burned the dark library and all it held, I really couldn't imagine where this could go.

But then the life board, the pendulum, the creepy words. The clock, the elixir and the story just took off. I'm still reeling a bit, from all that happened. It was a great book 2.