A review by diaryofthebookdragon
Cream of the Crop by Alice Clayton


Alice Clayton's book are hit-or-miss for me and sadly, Cream of the Crop had more marks in the miss then in a hit column...

+ Nicely written. Easy to read.
+ Plus-size heroine that is confident and adores her body. This is how I envisioned [b:Dumplin'|18304322|Dumplin' (Dumplin', #1)|Julie Murphy|https://d2arxad8u2l0g7.cloudfront.net/books/1424189465s/18304322.jpg|25795642] should be.
"I embraced my curves, my natural good looks, and realized that confidence went much further then a small ass in a tight jeans."

- Grumpy heroes are usually my favorite kind, but something was missing in Oscar's moodiness to charm me.
- Humor missed me completely. Wasn't funny at all.
- It all developed/happened too quickly. I don't feel like they solved major problems, more forced them to be solved...

The only thing worth remembering for me in Cream of the Crop was Natalie and her awesome attitude and confidence. We need more heroines like her, no matter which size of the clothes they wear.