A review by bibliophilebookclub
Dead Blind by Rebecca Bradley


Dead Blind is a really interesting read, with a premise that I hadn’t heard of. Prosopagnosia is essentially face-blindness, the inability to recognise a person’s face, and that’s what Detective Inspector Ray Patrick is suffering from in the aftermath of an accident while on duty.

This disorder has a huge impact on Ray’s life, and when he is put on an operation to catch the people responsible for illegal organ trading, it has the potential to ruin the entire investigation for him and his team.

I really enjoyed Dead Blind. Ray Patrick is a good character, and it is hard not to feel some sympathy towards him because of his condition. But on the other hand, I wanted to shout at him more than once because in not divulging his prosopagnosia, he puts so many people in danger.

I read this book with mounting frustration. Not in a bad way, just that the reader can see what is happening but Ray is so stubborn that he ends up with more and more hassle because he is hiding something big. It did add to the tension though, and I found myself willing him and the team on during the investigation.

Illegal organ trading is a tough subject, and I think it was dealt with quite well here. The story is well though out, and I liked the characters too. It was definitely a tense read, and I was eager to get to the end to see how it would all be tied up.

An interesting premise, with a real human dilemma at its core, Dead Blind was an intriguing and dark read.

Recommended for sure!