A review by zare_i
The Punisher MAX: Born by Garth Ennis


Last week I decided to refresh my memory with Punisher MAX series and decided to go with the origin story.

"Punisher Born" gives us Frank Castle at the very beginning. He is stationed in the isolated and increasingly endangered US marine firebase. Considering everything happens at the very end of the war almost entire base personnel is non-combat ready to say the least including the base commander.
They are waiting for general evacuation and dont want to stir up the hornet nest like going against the enemy concentrating around the base.

Frank is the only senior officer aware of the danger and together with several of his men he leads the patrols and tries to deter all the enemies from harassing the firebase - be it VC, NVA or even his own superior officers who just come to spit on the man actually fighting on the ground.

And this is where transformation to Punisher begins.

Entire story is given from the perspective of one of the last remaining soldiers ready to go with Frank on patrols. He paints very grim picture of Frank as someone that became so obsessed and taken by war that he actually cannot function without it. This way of telling the story gives us outsider view of events that culminates in bloodbath where Frank's fate gets sealed.

Recommended to all Punisher fans.