A review by earthtoallyy
Surviving Home by Katerina Canyon


Surviving Home // Katerina Canyon

“It is told through hot cylinders of pain That sear experience into the skin.

It is told in front of the sharp bayonet That sprays blood-red existence against The multi-colored palette of the universe.

It may sit silent and still On these black and white pages, But it exists in every tremble

Of my leathered hand, and it is smeared Into every tear-stained scream that flows through my quavering pen.”

An unapologetically transparent tale written in breathtakingly beautiful prose.

These poems tell the story of a broken home, an abusive childhood, and a racially profiled life.

The poetry itself is stunning, the conversation it tells is heartbreaking and I found myself needing to take a break every now and then because of how deep the story goes. In the end, I was crying and feeling an overwhelming kinship to the author. Not through a similar upbringing, but through the heartache that the world gives me. She speaks of abuse and racism, of the different lives people live because of the color of their skin, the hardships she’s faced, and the journey of survival that is life.

An honest collection of poetry that tells a story that needs to be heard. I highly recommend this book, but definitely check out the trigger warnings if need be.

Thank you to Book Publicity Services for sending me this book in exchange for an honest review.