A review by linzreadz13
Rise by Dylan Allen


How is this a debut novel?! It was so amazingly well written. With a strong message of how to live for yourself and not let your past define you, Ms. Allen was able to weave together the right amount of each ingredient of a captivating love story. The characters were so well developed I felt as if I knew them and walked through this story with them.

Addie’s father abandons her family when she is fairly young and she vows to always keep these two promised to herself:
“1: I would never rely on anyone for anything.
2: I would never find a way to live in a country where no one would care who I had been “before”.”

She has worked hard to get where she is and I applaud her character development. She is strong, fierce, but also has a very passionate side. While we know some of her secrets right out of the gate, there are others that are revealed as we move through her story. She has become independent and a relationship is the last thing on her radar.

Then in walks Simon. Simon is young and rich. However, he has a past that he must come to terms with as well. At first, he wasn’t quite sure how to deal with his feelings for Addie and he is a bit cold and hot. Then bam! He figures it out and was amazing! He was just the right mix of sweet, protective, smart, and stubborn that makes a girl go ahhh. He was so swoon-worthy!

Addie and Simon’s chemistry and the angsty parts made their relationship all the more realistic. I could feel the emotions as if I was there. I couldn’t help but root for them! I loved how the dual POV helped to They are in London after all and with that amazing background, how could you not root for true love?

This story was so wonderfully written. I loved the seamless plot and all of the characters only enhanced the way the story was told. Kyle, is one of my favorite secondary characters I think maybe of all time. Dylan, please tell me we get his story next!

If you love finding new authors, make sure to go give this one a try! You will truly enjoy it! Plus, then you can wait, impatiently, with me for more books by Dylan!

Grateful to have received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Few of My Favorite Quotes
“I want to mark this woman and make sure she can’t forget me for a while.”
“Even when I hate him, I want him. I ache for him.”
“Dreams aren’t made of fairytales and romance, they are made of hard work and grit.”
“I think you might be the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. I feel tormented by it.”
“In a city where dreams are made, mine is sitting across me, and I know wherever she goes, I will follow.”