A review by allivenger
Death's Obsession by Avina St. Graves


I did really like this book. But if I break down the story itself it has some issues that I had problems with. These are just my issues with the story itself and not with the overall story as a whole. If I don’t think too much about it, I loved this story. I blew through it in two days.

Lilith is stuck running on autopilot after the loss of her twin sister and her boyfriend in a car crash. She deals with grief in such a raw and relatable way that it is clear the author knows a little about grief. She has ptsd, survivors guilt, and avoidance. All things I have experienced and it resonated.

Pair that with the absolute GIFT that is Letum? It’s like everything I would have wanted going through grief. Someone who dotes on me? Gives me gifts? Makes sure I’m taken care of? Fucking yes please. He is absolutely smitten with Lilith and even she doesn’t know if he’s real or a figment of her grief.

Story aside, if you ever wondered if the Grim Reaper fucks like a god? You’ll find out in this book. The smut was *on point*. He’s giving Zade Meadows vibes and I was here for it.