A review by nite0wl29
Resistor by C.E. Clayton


Oh my!!!! Resistor is the first cyberpunk book I’ve read. I had no idea what I was getting into when I first started it, didn’t even bother reading the blurb. All I saw was the art of a certain character in this book and immediately went “I HAVE to read it!”

So, this is very much a plot-driven book in which the romance takes a back seat. Which is fine! I’m all for that slow burn where the characters begin as reluctant allies to friends to something more and I can totally see that little spark of chemistry between Ellinor and Julani (whom I absolutely ADORE!!) Loved their dynamic in this and I’m very excited to see their characters grow in the coming books.

I loved the world building, too. It was easy to picture everything so vividly in my mind’s eye. And the magic system reminded me a bit of Avatar’s with the elemental bending. The beginning starts off a little slow as I was introduced to all of the characters. The only reason I gave this 4-stars is because at certain parts I had some trouble remembering which character was who.

Now that I’ve finished reading I will be waiting anxiously for the second book. Thankfully November is only a month away!