A review by michellefleming33
Guardian of the Gate by Michelle Zink


This was no where near as good as the very first book. To be honest, I was so confused as to what was going on, pretty much the entire time.

I did not forget, persay, the entire first book, I remembered the gist of it, and the main twists and what not, how Edwardian and almost eerie the writing was. This one totally through me off. It reminded me more of Graceling with the constant travelling on horseback. I was so bored with it.


And then when they finally get to Altus, the pages aren't even there! Really? Come on!

Nothing really happens in this book except for tons of disappointments with character growth (none whatsoever except Lia hooks up with another dude, big deal, saw that one coming), Sonia was no surprise just another character Zink decides to write off, and Luisa just her annoying selfish self, no change from prior book. No quest was completed, nothing was done.

UGH! I am so mad I wasted my time on this book!