A review by erboe501
I'm a Stranger Here Myself: Notes on Returning to America After 20 Years Away by Bill Bryson


I love Bill Bryson, and I thought this book appropriate since I just returned from a year of living in the UK myself. Many of the things I could relate to: how Americans don't walk anywhere, there aren't even sidewalks in most places. How waiters are generally nicer here. More free stuff, like refills and small items at stores and such.

It was very clear that this was published in the 1990s. He complains about having to show ID for the first time at the airport. About setting up a computer for the first time. All of the technology bits were rather interesting for how dated they were. And all of his statistics of course aren't really relevant today in 2018. But it's nice to get an idea of what the state of things were twenty years ago.

I enjoyed this, but not as much as Bryson's other books. This verged on whining at times.