A review by etrnyl
People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry


5/5 stars

I want to cry tears of happiness as well as tears of sadness.

The journey. The freaking journey this book takes you on is brilliant and emotional.

The entirety of this book had been about Poppy and Alex living life with and without each other while trying to find themselves in each other’s arms.

Poppy and Alex’s dynamic had been complicated, yet simple. They were best friends, platonically, and yet there had been a 5% out of the 100% platonic feelings that were not platonic, but romantic. I loved Poppy and Alex’s friendship as well as all the tension, the chemistry, and the angst that came along.

The raw emotions and how this story was able to make me feel so deeply was baffling. I haven’t read a romance that has impacted me so much in quite a few months. 

I have no idea how Emily did it, but this book amazed me and I will cherish it for years and years to come.