A review by amyma
Leaving Haven by Kathleen McCleary


About a third through reading Leaving Haven, I was asked if I would recommend it. At the time, I said not really because, while I liked the book, it hadn't grabbed me and made me want to find out what would happen next. It seemed like part 1 was dragging a bit. On the other hand, I do appreciate the detailed backstory given during that part of the book. Once I hit part 2, the book picked up speed and I really didn't want to put it down in anticipation of what was coming. I also found the going back and forth with dates (as the chapter titles) to be confusing. I would recommend thinking of each chapter as either "before" or "present".

The story begins with Georgia nursing her second child, a baby she had just given birth to, desperately wanted, and tried to have for many years. Georgia then proceeds to abandon the baby. Why would she do this? To me, how could she do this, she was leaving behind an innocent baby. The rest of the book gives that backstory and then goes into Georgia's life after the birth. The author did a very good job of connecting the reader to the characters. I felt Georgia's pain, but also became annoyed with her a few times when I thought she was being ridiculously stubborn.

So, even though I was wishy-washy on whether to recommend the book toward the beginning, by the end I changed my mind.