A review by fischers_reads
When It Rains by Lisa De Jong



This book in two words: Emotional Damage 

I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I started this book. All I know is my friend Amber read it and sobbed and I wanted to read something sad. Well let me tell you this book is heartbreaking from beginning to end. If you have triggers then search those bad boys up before diving in. If you don’t have triggers, I highly suggest going into this book blind. Since I am the way I am I already had a feeling I knew the path this story was taking and I really hoped I was wrong. Let’s just say I cried the last like 30% of this book. The story, even though it’s very heartbreaking and deep, is written very simple and plays in your head like a movie. The characters are written so well that you almost feel like you know them personally and feel all the feelings they are feeling as they feel them. A few things did annoyed me though like for instance the way Beau was her best friend in the whole universe but she couldn’t share what happened with her. Like what? I got why she didn’t but I don’t think I personally could keep something that changed me as a person away from by best friend. Maybe that’s just me 🤷🏻‍♀️ Otherwise, I really liked this book and it took a piece of my heart when I finished it. Let’s add this book to the list of books that made me cry.