A review by tatyanavogt
Keep Me Safe by Maya Banks


I'm about half way through this book.. and so far I hate it! [update: I finished it. Final thoughts at end]

The back story is kinda interesting but the romance portion is totally bogus and I just can't get over it cause it keeps getting shoved into my face! Like WTF!? And I LOVE romance. My favorite books tend to involve some sort of romance... But this book.. just no.

Spoiler stuff:
Okay, first thing that bothered me is that the main guy said the same thought multiple times in the beginning of the book in regards to how he would put this lady through hell again if he knew it would save her sister. He felt bad... but it was weird that he kept saying it. Felt like deja-vu, wait did I read this part already.?

THEN, The two main characters met for maybe 20 minutes one time and then a year later the lady calls him for help. (actually understandable) but then within' the couple of hours that they spend together they fall in love.. and now the main guy is treating her super possessively and its awkward.. Like not just protectively, but 'I will tie you to the bed and stop you from handing yourself over with no remorse' kind of thing..

And the placement of the first sex scene.. I just feel like the people are not setup correctly to fit within the story. Like she goes through a very traumatizing situation and then just sex. No lead up to it, no emotional struggle, nothing.

And don't get me started on how this guys family is treating her! and this is AFTER he told them what she goes through when she helps locate missing people. And friggin' his sister, is all of a sudden a ungrateful Bitch? Where did that come from. It seemed to have been set-up so that everyone was grateful for this ladies help. Like am I missing something?

Now admittedly I'm only half way though so.. we'll see how I feel when I get farther along.. if I can.

Okay, Finished...
So, I started hating it a little less during the second half. Some interesting things happened and it was sorta less focused on the "romance" part. But.. I don't think it was great.

The overall story was kinda interesting with some flaws here and there. I personally HATED the progression of the two main characters romance and felt like it was just thrown in with little thought. But, I managed to finish the book.. I gave it two stars simply because I was interested in finding out what happened in the end.... yeah..