A review by sassandcellulite
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab


Mmm I'm torn on this one. I loved the writing and I loved the premise/concept. You have to go into this book expecting to just appreciate a story, not an action-packed fantasy.

The message of "what mark will you leave on the world?" is lovely to explore, I love the art history references - what I wanted more of was for Addie to explore way more parts and moments of history in her 300+ years of life. I loved the snippets we get of famous artists and historical figures, but I was begging for more of that.

I also was left realllly unfulfilled by the ending. Henry writing Addie's story was super predictable and a little cheesy, and truthfully I was hoping they would kill Henry and we would get to explore grief with Addie. I don't understand the hype around Luc and Addie's relationship - I didn't feel the chemistry or tension there at all, which is why the ending was a little underwhelming.

I have so many more thoughts, so if you want to listen to our full discussion, check out Bookkish with Two K's - wherever you get your podcasts :)