A review by lindseysparks
In Search of Lost Time: Time Regained by Marcel Proust


I'm finished!!!!!! I didn't manage to finish before my trip to Paris in October, but I did manage to finish this year. I'm not sure I can say I liked it, but I am glad I read it. I don't think it needed to be so long. I think he rambles too much - and I know that's the point - but I did like his musings on the passage of time and how people change and how we're not always good at seeing how we've changed. It's much easier to look at your former classmates and see that they are getting old, but much harder to see that you are also getting old. Memories are also hard to see clearly. We may vividly remember things one way only to talk to someone else who remembers it totally differently. None of us see the world exactly the same way anyone else does.