A review by gabi_w21
Buns, Volume 3 by Alice Clayton


A solid three-star read. From the first page, I enjoyed Buns, but around the 50% mark Clara started to grate on my nerves. She was wishy-washy with Archie, letting him kiss her and not doing a damn thing to put the brakes on a bad idea and then turning around and spouting about how she doesn't “get involved” and how this would “surely end in disaster.” Girlie, make up your mind. Do you wanna fuck Archie or keep it professional? It really read like she wanted her cake and to eat it too. And her baggage—good God. She'd always talk about refusing to set down roots and all this and it's Archie talking about school trips that makes her blow up? And during her love confession, she dumps her entire backstory on him??

Natalie instantly pissed me off when she 1) wore the wrong footwear and then 2) had the gall to say Oscar, her non-white boyfriend, would carry her because of her decision to wear the shoes. Excuse me? No one calls her out? Just a little “ha-ha” and it's forgotten? She knew they were hiking.

Overall, a solid 3 star read.