A review by wolverinefactor
Salvage by Duncan Ralston


Notice: I was given this book for free by the author for an honest review.

I would definitely give this a 2.5 but that isn't an option so I knocked it down to a 2. I'm also hard in books, I rarely hand out a 5. So this is probably a 3 or 3.5 for most.

The story was Intriguing enough to keep me going and ignoring the other book I was reading at the same time. The creepy scenes showed promise but they never really got to me like say Heartshaped Box did. There's a point near the end that just annoyed me for a few different reasons but I don't want to spoil it. The final pay off was a little underwhelming as well.

The writing is competent but just coming off reading Freedom it felt a bit lackluster but I can't blame the author for that. The characters are all interesting except the guy with Down syndrome whose written in a very peculiar manner.

If you like ghost stories this is pretty middle ground. Definitely would make a good beach read and the book flew by.