A review by lizthelibrarian
Boots on the Ground: America's War in Vietnam by Elizabeth Partridge


Let me just say that this book blew me away when deciding what to rate this it was a no brainer. I wish that this book would've been presented to me when I was in high school so I could've read this instead of a textbook. This is the type of nonfiction that will drag you in, teach you, and leave you thinking about what you read for weeks. This book covers around twentyish years of the Vietnam War and the aftermath of it. There were many things I was not aware of before I read this book, and I'm glad I understand more of it now. What I enjoyed was getting personal accounts and chapters that focused on what was going on in the White House - I was also crazy excited to see pictures. The personal accounts are harrowing and will break your heart; for me, the nurses' and memorial chapters were the hardest. This is an amazing book that I encourage everyone to read because it makes you think and reflect.