A review by bibliophile90
Dead Sky Morning by Karina Halle



This book was even more creepier than the previous two. What I love most about this series is the pace of the story, and especially the pace of the character development. Because this is a series of nine books, the author can really take her time to really develop the characters as individuals and partners. Karina isn't rushing through anything, and that makes me enjoy the story so much more. Like I mentioned before I really love that romance is in the background and isn't the most essential part in the books. I loved learning about what happened on D’Arcy Island. Karina has a way of creeping me out, she did such a great job with this book.

Also Dex and Perry are very intriguing and complex characters. I really enjoy getting to know them better, and especially Dex, because the book is told completely from Perry's POV. So there were a couple of secrets told from both sides, and that made the bond between them stronger. They really care for each other, even though some ugly things were said in this book. At the end of the day, they can really depend on each other. Haven't read about such an awesome duo in a long time.