A review by frozenpeas42
Deadline by Mira Grant



Hi I'm Shaun, your pleasingly schizophrenic narrator. thrill at my ironic hipster coolness but...RAAAAGH!!! EVERYONE MUST BE PUNCHED IN THE FACE!!!!

Now I shall be mean to Kelly once more ho ho it's fun to be a complete dick to everyone!

Oh hello George, I didn't see you there, lets go break into a government building for no reason and get my friends killed. Plot? Surely not! we shall just do things and other things that are tangentially related will happen. That's what people IN PURSUIT OF THE TRUTH do.

P.S. Incest rules but my new girlfriend.will hate me mentioning the name of my.dead sister even though she was totally cool with it the day before. We will then have an awesome derail about how women have feelings SWEET!

P.P.S. Joss Whedon called and he wants his spunky female stereotypes back; or royalties or something.

Note to self. Punch the Chinese dude in the face again. He likes it really