A review by blissbooksandjewels
The Husband Tree by Mary Connealy


When I want to read a top-notch western romance, I need not look any farther than Mary Connealy. Her books have that punch of humor that I love to get the occasional taste from, as well as a spine-curling romance that makes me sigh every time.

The Husband Tree was no exception. It had a great mixture of humor and romance, and a likeable hero and heroine in Silas and Belle. Both of 'em were stubborn as mules, and as hard-headed as they come about the opposite sex. But each one had a very tender side, and showed genuine affection for the other as their relationship progressed to the (inevitable) next level. :o)

The only, and I mean, the ONLY thing that keeps me from giving this book 5 stars was all the kissing. Normally, that is not something that bothers me one whit, but it seemed like every Silas and Belle turned around, it was Smooch City. It just didn't seem to give their relationship a good foundation, nor was it believable. Like I said before, I don't mind it. I'm not some old fuddy-duddy. Kissing is a normal part of any relationship, real or fictitious. But in this case, there was just too much of it.

Will that stop me from reading more of Mary's works? Absolutely not! My funny bone gets tickled so much that I'd miss out on a lifetime of laughs if I didn't read her books! No worries there...not a single one. :o)