A review by wildflowerz76
High Heels Mysteries Boxed Set by Gemma Halliday


Spying in High Heels - 12/30/12 - C+ or 3 stars - Hmm, well. This was entertaining enough. I enjoyed that Maddie wasn't uptight and prudish as the main character in a lot of these type of mysteries are. The story was fun, but there were a lot of things that left me screaming at her. It was obvious lawyer guy was a jerk from the start. After she found out, for sure, that he was married, she should have just walked away. And seriously? Take the freaking pregnancy test already! Jeez! But I've always been one of those people who'd rather KNOW and get it over with. I don't really understand the Maddie types who thinks if they ignore it, it will go away. Also, what the heck is up with all the food that girl eats?! Jeez! How can she stay as thin as she is? And she bemoans the fact that Dana's so tiny and she isn't, but when she goes to her house and needs clothes, she just pops into Dana's closet and pulls out jeans that magically fit her? Um, yeah. Anyway, overall, this was pretty entertaining and good for light, fun gym reading, so I'm on to the next one.

Killer in High Heels - 1/3/13 - C- or 3 stars - Eh, well. I thought Maddie was a little dim in the first one, but I put it down to her thinking she was pregnant. But in this one? God, she's an idiot. In many ways, but specifically her scheme near the end? How in the HELL did she not see that coming? And why does she keep showing up in places where club owner guy will see her and connect the dots? And why doesn't he? In addition to that, notes for the author: it's "minutes" and not "minuets," "uzi" and not "oozi," and "Dentyne" and not "Dentene." Seriously. Does she not have a proofreader?

Undercover in High Heels - 1/9/13 - D- or 2 stars - These are getting worse and worse, aren't they? In this installment, Maddie has evidently lost more and more of her brain. She barges into a club that her cop boyfriend is in and confronts him after he just broke a date and told her where he'd be. Does she not stop to think for one minute. He's a cop. Perhaps this is a suspect or an informant? No, she does what she always does and doesn't think. Evidently Dana's having the same issue. Then, even though he tells her to leave his investigations alone, she barges in again and tried to solve the crime. Never mind that everyone reading the book knows exactly who the culprit is from nearly the beginning, she can't see it. I don't see how the cop hasn't dumped her ass before now. She's so incredibly stupid, it's infuriating. These are books are like if the main character of those Shopaholic books decided to solve crimes. /shudder Also, again, does this author not have a proofreader or something to check for continuity? Evidently not. I'm not particularly grammatically fussy, but seriously: Snickers is capitalized. Also, there's a big difference from, "I said no more, Britney" and "I said no more Britney." You mean the second, but you wrote the first. Gah!

Alibi in High Heels - 1/13/13 - D- or 2 stars - They just get worse and worse, don't they? This book proves that Halliday still doesn't have a fact checker, proofreader, or continuity editor. Maddie is still an idiot. If someone runs over your daughter and breaks her leg because she's an idiot and driving a stick shift when she doesn't know how to drive one, wouldn't you be pissed at her, even if she's your best friend? Why do Maddie's mom and friend go to Paris with her? So she'll have someone to carry her luggage from the airport to her hotel room, evidently, because that's the only help I see from them. Maddie talks about how technology old-fashioned her mom is, but Maddie can't even Google and is constantly asking her mom and her friend to do it for her. When the police take the shoes she'd designed, wouldn't it be better to shlepp off to some shoe store and get something rather than having all the models in black pumps that, from the description, sound like they'd look like someone applied scrapbooking stickers all over them? Seriously. I don't see what the cop (or the reporter) sees in her. And I can't figure out why I'm still reading these. One more to go.

Mayhem in High Heels - 1/17/13 - D or 2 stars - Yeah. So, evidently Ramirez is SUCH an awesome cop that he can look at a big puddle of blood on a section of carpet and can tell that it's human blood. Amazing. Near the end, Maddie has this epiphany about how she's always forgetting stuff to do with her wedding because of the "case" she's "on." She's implies that this isn't the usual thing. Ahem. Seriously? I don't care if they're doing it because they love you, how hard is it to step up and say, "That's tacky as hell and I don't want my wedding to look like that!" Holy shit. Really? Oh, and STILL needs a continuity editor/fact checker. I'm pretty sure that if you knock down a folding chair, into the one behind it, it's not going to set off a chain reaction and knock them down like dominoes. It just doesn't work that way. And still....5 books later and I can't figure out what Maddie sees in Ramierez (or vice versa). At all.

Holy hell, these books were awful. But I bought the 5 together, so I finished them. And now I never have to read this author again.