A review by emstripling
Nights When Nothing Happened by Simon Han


A relatively quick read, the blurb on the inside cover set me up for a story that did not feel like the one I ended up reading. The book begins slowly and gives you the feeling that it’s building to something, which it does but the “something” that it builds to is something unexpected- it feels almost like it builds to become a different genre than what the beginning of the book, and the blurb, were setting it up to be. Han’s writing is beautiful and his descriptions are short and to the point. I underlined a lot of descriptions throughout the book. It was an interesting read about family dynamic where I think Han successfully built the personalities and individual story lines of each character in the family, in a writing style that felt simple on the surface while using third person so beautifully it almost felt like first. Overall, the book was good, but it didn’t feel like the build and the main event matched genres.