A review by bushph
The Intern Serials: Complete Box Set by Brooke Cumberland


*** The full review is now live on my blog! ***

This started off strong – I really enjoyed the mystery element behind this as well as the romance which was a nice surprise. It was interesting to be able to follow along with Ceci and her investigation to what had happened to her dad however I have to say that the reveal was a bit disappointing. It just seemed really ridiculous and far-fetched, like really? That’s how and why he died?!

I felt as it neared the end, especially in the “After the internship” novella, it just seemed to drag on – every plot device was used in order to try and pull the story along and it was just too much. he last third of the book was just so sex filled – it was as if the author couldn’t write any filler story and was just instead filling it with sex scenes which got very repetitive.

This was a free kindle download on Amazon Kindle and as mentioned, I really enjoyed the first 3 volumes and I would have given this 4 stars had it not been for the “After the Internship” instalment so I would definitely say it’s worth the download if only for the first 3 novella’s in the series!