A review by zaung
The Starr Sting Scale: The Candace Starr Series by C.S. O’Cinneide


Disclaimer: ARC provided for an honest review.

I went back and forth on a three or four stars. The first third of the book was slow, and our hero, Candice Starr, was very much the opposite of likable. I also wasn't a huge fan of how she viewed other women, but the narrative challenges her on that. And the book's co-star, Malone, through her actions and words, forces Candace to confront how she relates to other women.

Then we get to the last third of the book and damn it got GOOD. The ending is what made me give this book a four star. The whole thing is wrapped up neatly and satisfyingly. All the bad people got what they deserved, and the people doing their best got their rewards. It's not all sunshine and roses, but it's a hopeful end.

This book is an excellent example of taking an unlikeable character, giving them a story arc and a background reveal that changes how the reader sees them.