A review by book_hoarding_dragon
Blood Kin by M.J. Scott


3 1/2 stars for this bit, but I rounded up since Goodreads doesn't have a 1/2 star rating.
I was really hoping that this book would again be from the viewpoint of Lily and Simon again. I really liked her character.

I don't know what it was about this book... I just didn't adore it as much as Shadow Kin (it also didn't pull me in like Shadow Kin, too). Plus, there was just something about the female protagonist Holly that I just couldn't get into.

Oh! One thing I noticed right off the bat was Scott labeled what perspective we were following (like at the beginning of a section or Chapter if we changed perspective she would have it labeled for Guy or Holly). During the last book , she didn't do that and I remember this caused me a bit of confusion until I looked closely at the symbols and figured out the moon symbol was Lily and Sun was Simon.

So Blood Kin opens a little while after the end of Shadow Kin. The Night World is in an uproar about Lucius' death and alliances are being struck and people are aiming for power. So Guy, a Templar Knight who defends the helpless and all that jazz, needs someone with information on who are the players and what is exactly going on in the Night World since the Templar Knights keep getting attacked while they are out patrolling. Enter Holly Spy extraordinaire. Maybe not so much extraordinaire.

Anyways, it had some twists in the book which I had thought were at least foreshadowed in the previous book. The next book is Iron Kin and I'll buy that one too. I think with Iron in the title that the book might be about Saskia (Guy and Simon's sister). From what I glimpsed from her in the book, she seems like a fun character. I really hope we will get to see a part of the Beast Kind's world next since we've seen Vampire and Fae.