A review by jenny_j
Chasing the Devil: The Search for Africa's Fighting Spirit by Tim Butcher


I deeply appreciated Mr Butcher's attempt to understand Liberia. As someone who grew up with Monrovia as my hometown and who spent many happy summer vacation days with friends in Lofa County near Kolahun and in Yekepa, it always saddens me that most of the world knows Liberia only as that place with child killers in wedding dresses under the command of people named General Butt Naked. Or as an Ebola-ridden hellhole.

But Mr Butcher walked through Liberia with an open mind, and for that I am very thankful. His detailed account of upcountry Liberia brought back many happy memories and let me see that the Liberia I loved as a child still exists. For while Africa holds many mineral and agriculture resources, its true treasure is in the resilience and resourcefulness of its people, something which has always humbled me.

That fine book, Mr Tim, and I glad da heartman no ge' you. Go come, ya!

-Jenny Jordan, Old Road & Congotown 1979-1990