A review by annabelle
The Sweetest Oblivion by Danielle Lori

Did not finish book. Stopped at 38%.
Why was this so boring?? I was ready to check my feminism at the door for this 😔 

I wanted either more angst or more plot or more smut. Some parts were so repetitive that I started skimming chapters to try to get to the good parts!! Unfortunately, there was absolutely nothing holding my attention. The characters weren’t anything special which isn’t a bad thing per se. It’s just not great when there is absolutely nothing else exciting going on. Any exciting moments either happened off screen or lasted a total of 5 seconds.

I saw some reviews that said things pick up around half way through, but I do not really care enough to push through. Maybe my expectations were too high, but I was hoping this would be more angsty or dramatic since it’s a mafia romance. It’s not bad, I just wish it was more gripping.

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