A review by ksm
The Drowning Pool by Syd Moore


The Drowning Pool by Syd Moore

Widowed, single mother Sarah Grey moves to Leigh in an attempt to rebuild her life following the death of her husband.
One night following a "seance" with her friends she starts seeing things which are hard to explain. When her son also starts seeing and hearing things she realises that she is being haunted by the ghost of a suspected 19th century witch. If Sarah wants to move on with her life she will have to listen carefully to the ghosts of the past.

I enjoyed following the journey of Sarah and her investigation into the life of a woman wrongfully accused of witchcraft in the 19th century. The characters were well developed and Sarah was likeable and dealt with her situation quite well, no hysterics or over reactions which makes a change.

The ghost story elements of this novel are neither scary nor chilling but intriguing. The past and present are intertwined skillfully, you know where you are and there aren't so many characters that you find yourself lost.

The only thing that put me off at times slightly is the persistent "if only I knew now what i knew then" type of sentences. Sarah keeps making references like that and it was a bit jarring as it made you expect what was to come later. Typically of me i had guessed the ending but it may have taken a bit longer without certain suggestions of what may happen to a character at the end.

Overall i enjoyed the book, the characters are well rounded, the story was interesting and the end tied everything up nicely. I would definitely read another book by Syd Moore.

I recommend reading this book if you like a good ghost story without the horror element and if you like a mystery with a touch of romance thrown in for good measure.
