A review by bluebeereads
Zac and Mia by A.J. Betts


Istyria book blog ~ B's world of enchanted books

Sigh. That’s about all I can do now. And it’s not a really good one. It’s not a bad one either. It’s meh. Did I expect to much? Yeah, I think I did. I expected an awesome book like The Fault In Our Stars. And while it had some aspects of that one, Zac and Mia left me a bit disappointed.

Zac and Mia is about, obviously, Zac and Mia. Zac has leukemia and is in the hospital for the hundredth time now. One day a new patient moves into the room next to him, Lady Gaga music blaring throughout the ward from her room. Unexpectedly they become friends and go through their time at the hospital and afterwards together.

Don’t get me wrong! I did like this book!It wasn’t bad, it really wasn’t. I just expected too much. I loved Zac. He was so sweet and caring and selfless. But stubborn too. And a typical guy sometimes. I liked Mia, but I didn’t feel connected to her. Not like with Zac. The rest of the characters were the same. There wasn’t much to them. I think that’s the thing that went wrong with this book. The writing wasn’t bad and the story itself was okay. It’s just the characters that fell a bit flat to me.

The story wasn’t bad. For me it was a bit boring. Almost nothing really happens in this book. I expected a big shocking thing at the end like always with these kind of books, but even that was not that big and I kind of predicted it. So yeah, it was a bit predictable at times. Still, whenever I put down the book for a minute, I felt compelled to finish it. I just wanted to know what happened next. It may be a bit boring and predictable, it did pull me in and never really let me go.

So in the end Zac and Mia was a pretty good book. Was it The Fault In Our Stars meets Eleanor & Park? Not quite. I was a bit disappointed, but I just expected too much from this. If you liked The Fault In Our Stars, I do suggest you give this a try. It’s not up in the same league as TFIOS, but it’s still good.