A review by garnetofeden
The Predator by K.A. Applegate


This volume is the first in the series from the perspective of Marco. Prior to this volume, Marco is mainly a comic relief character who sometimes seems to drag his feet unnecessarily. This story adds depth to his character, besides giving him a purpose to be involved in the war against the Yeerks.
SpoilerAlthough at this point in the series, it isn't clear to me why Marco's mother was considered a strategic host. I can't see Visser One using a host that served no strategic purpose. Then again, if Marco's mother had a strategic purpose, Visser One wouldn't have faked her death. So perhaps she just provided a convenient body that could disappear, allowing Visser One to experience a human host while not having to worry about maintaining a human front.

Marco quotes an author of an ant book as saying, "If ants had nuclear weapons they would probably end the world in a week" (pg. 92). Interestingly, that quote is real and comes from the book Journey to the Ants by Bert Holldobler and Edward O. Wilson.

As an adult reading the series, I scoffed at first when I read Marco's calculations of how fast light travel in miles per second to 82 light years (pg. 15-16). I know I didn't have the speed of light memorized when I was in junior high. Not to mention that I know plenty of people in my university chemistry and physics classes who are incapable of doing that type of conversion calculation. However, after this initial reaction, I was pondering that kids can often be smarter than we give them credit for. I know there are plenty of things I knew as a kid that adults assumed I didn't.

Ax's extreme reaction to taste was pretty funny. From Marco's point of view, Jake seems a little grumpier than previously described - "hacked off", "ragged out". Since I was rereading the older, original version of the book rather than the re-release, I was trying to pay attention to places that would potentially be 'updated'. If there were any instances of outdated technology, I either didn't notice them or didn't adequately mark them.
SpoilerHowever, I did find the Yeerk political machinations that allowed for their pat escape a little overly simplified and convenient.

Rating reviewed 1/23/2023.