A review by kairosdreaming
Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul: Stories of Canine Companionship, Comedy and Courage by Jack Canfield


I don't have a dog, but I like dogs. They just require a lot of time, effort, which I don't really have an abundance of. So I enjoy dogs through reading about them and this book was chock full of dog stories.

Like the other Chicken Soup books, this one was filled with little stories that were meant to inspire and create warm fuzzy feelings for you. The stories ranged from dogs as rescuers, letting go of a dog, adopting dogs, and a whole lot more. The dogs as rescuers was the most interesting because a lot were dogs that taught themselves how to help sick owners or alert them to danger. It just shows how intelligent they can really be sometimes. About the only story I didn't enjoy was the one where it described a dog going after a bunch of bicyclists. The only thing that stopped the dog was quick thinking by one of the bicycle riders, but for some reason the story was presented as trying to be cute, instead of as a dog not properly supervised that almost hurt some people.

Dogs can be characters, but I didn't really get the goofiness I associate with dogs from this book. In fact, none of them had a huge personality, despite their owners describing them and having lived with them. The sense of the animals themselves just wasn't there, despite their stories being told. I think the humans in the book came across more strongly. Their love for the dogs and how they related to the dogs. That seemed to be the bigger focus here.

The short stories were easy to read and you could read this over several nights or in one sitting because of the format. I enjoyed most of the stories about the dogs and there were a few truly remarkable ones in there. While some were just so-so and had more to do about the person than the dog, there weren't too many of that type. And although this is a Christian publication, there wasn't much about religion in it, just a lot about dogs.

Not a bad read for people who like dogs. There's a little bit of something in here for every type of dog lover.

Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul
Copyright 2005
398 pages

Review by M. Reynard 2013

More of my reviews can be found at www.ifithaswords.blogspot.com