A review by indecisivesailorscout
Blaze of Memory by Nalini Singh


4/14/20: Wow, apparently this is only my second time reading this? I think it hit a little less hard the second time around, honestly. I'm still not big into Devraj, and I think that for all the buildup about his weird Forgotten power, there could have been a better and more substantial reveal or actual practical and repeated use for what he can do. I wish the Forgotten got better developed instead of just kind of being in the background for the rest of the series so far. There's so much potential with them that's really gone to waste. But I don't know if that's this book's fault in particular. Maybe it's just that humans are still boring.

4/8/18: This one was SO SAD but also really good. I wish the stakes had been a little higher (and that Ming had FUCKING DIED) but overall it was very great read.