A review by will_sargent
The Infinite Wait and Other Stories by Julia Wertz


There's a lot in common here between Wertz and Keith Knight, the guy who does the K Chronicles, but where K does comics, Wertz does stories.

I think what I like about this is that it's the story of an ordinary life. The books you read when you were growing up, moving into a new place, finding out what you don't and don't like... little bits and pieces that are all immediately knowable by everyone.

And then she gets lupus, and it just gets sad. And she goes out on dates with people who take her to parties that she hates, and she discovers the Internet ("cute bear pictures" does not Google for what you think) and she finds out about comic books... and she's a real person. A cartoon image of a real person, mind you, but who doesn't have that.
