A review by unorgaynized
The Goddess Twins by Yodassa Williams


3.5 out of 5 stars.
This ARC was given by NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

The worldbuilding was interesting, and the setting— October 2020, with no mention of a pandemic, clearly rooted it in the fantasy it was meant to be.
Arden and Aurora are identical twins, and both are goddesses. On their eighteenth birthday, their world changes. It’s very much a coming of age story, a family story,. There’s an easy narrative repeated throughout the story of Emotionally Mature Twin, Angry Twin Who Needs to Let It Go. Unfortunately, reading it, it seemed like the Hurt Twin had all the right to be angry, which is brushed off and in some cases made fun of by her family. Her sister only seems at time sympathetic, though at times too quick to agree that her sister is wrong.
There’s a quick Instant Love At First Sight that seems forced, and while we are explained why later on, it simply seems more... forced, really. That the main character just turned 18, and the boy is 21/nearly 22 is only brought up by someone acting as the chapter’s antagonist, not taken seriously in text otherwise.

Thankfully, the majority of the book is spent in familial dynamics, there’s a wide variety of relatives, each with their own quirks, opinions, and twists. Ms. Williams truly shines at having minor characters step out, and showing bonds.