A review by k_wazlib
English Fairy Tales by Flora Annie Steel


I love fairy tales, I really do, but there were just some in this collection that left a serious o_O look on my face. While some of the tales in this book were quite interesting, there were others that were pretty dreary and difficult to get through. Some of the tales are very similar stories to other fairy tales that you're probably familiar with, but I think that overlapping occurred a lot back in the day.

A lot of these tales deal with giants, which was a bit daunting after the first story or two. Also, there was another tale towards the end that was very strange and I had to make sure that I'd actually read it correctly. Spoiler of said story if you're curious ->
A prince was cursed into being a frog, who could then only turn back into a prince if he could convince somebody to do his bidding for an entire day and then chop off his head before the night was up. Uhm, what did I just read?

Overall, am I glad that I read it? Heck yes, because reading folklore from different cultures is entertaining to me and not to mention interesting.

Recommend?: If you're a fan of fairy tales.