A review by amybraunauthor
The Fire Sermon by Francesca Haig


Wow. Just... WOW. This is another book I've put off for a long time, one that I bought on the spur of the moment thanks to the cover and the back blurb. I'd hoped it would be good, but I didn't expect to completely fall in love with it the way I did. It's AMAZING. Such an intriguing and terrifying dystopia where radiation has turned half the population into mutants and changed the way twins are perceived forever. I'll be honest––the opening few chapters were a little slow. But it didn't take long for me to completely love main character Cass, and soon enough I was devouring pages and enjoying the journey she took. I loved the entire story and the plot twists, the side characters Piper and Zoe (ultra kick-butt lady) and of course, secondary character Kip (who I loooooove). The story wasn't filled with typical action, but it was nonetheless a harrowing tale about survival, trust, and sacrifce. Not to mention the HUGE head-spinning twist near the end that changed everything. Such a great book. Oh man, I can't get over it and I'm finishing this review now so I can get started on book two. Pick this one up ASAP!!!