A review by audiobookmel
Marked by Vivian Arend, Kit Rocha, Lauren Dane


So far, I've only read BEYOND TEMPTATION, the story of Noah and Emma in Sector Four. It was the reason I purchased this book. I will go back and read the others, just not right now.

I loved Noah and Emma's story. It gave me a nice taste before BEYOND JEALOUSY comes out, which is really soon (YAY!). It was great to see everyone from Sector Four and I'm sure we will see more of Noah and Emma in books to come. Like everyone in these books, they both come with a past. The difference here, is that these two have a past together. They have been separated for four years. Emma has grown up quite a bit in that time. She is no longer the little girl that Noah needs to protect. She is now an O'Kane and can take care of herself.

Noah has some things in his past that will come out and haunt him. It will take Emma a bit to get over these things. I think Noah will eventually become an O'Kane, and will fit in well with the gang. I can't wait for book four.