A review by ninjalawyer
The Divine Farce by Michael S. A. Graziano


A truly bizarre and ugly book, which is all the more disturbing because it's designed to be an allegory for human existence.

The book starts with three people, naked and standing up in a concrete tube. From the ceiling drips pear juice to keep them alive and the floor is grated to get rid of their waste as it falls. Together in perfect darkness, the three grow to love each other, so much so that they almost don't take the opportunity to escape when it's presented (the fear of the unknown also plays into this).

Following the opening, Graziano paints creates a stark setting where the cruft of daily life is stripped away, and everyone spend their days (a seemingly endless number of them) wandering around naked in ankle-deep sewage, and fighting for the bare necessities of life while making their way through an incomprehensible labyrinth. No one communicates in the labyrinth and there's seemingly no escape, even for those who have given in to despair.

A very interesting book, although maybe not one you want for the beach or a rainy day.