A review by loop
X-Men: Phoenix - Warsong by Greg Pak, Sal Regla, Tyler Kirkham


Ughhh, I didn't expect this to be worse than Endsong, but somehow it was. I figured not having Greg Land on art would be a step up, but Tyler Kirkham is almost as bad. On top of that, the story is a lot weaker, lacking the emotional gravitas of Endsong. I think I enjoyed the new origin for the Cuckoos, but the writing for the Phoenix just lacked any sort of exploration or innovation. It's like Grek Pak wanted to use the concepts of the Phoenix and the World (from Morrison's run), and just mashed them together, and it just fell completely flat. The X-Men (Whedon's line-up) were also written pretty poorly, even Emma. All of the dialogue just felt really stiff. Some of the concepts used here could've easily been cool, but the execution was extremely poor. The ending was also one of the most anti-climatic endings in recent memory. Just a very mediocre mini-series as a whole. Could be worth reading if you want to know the origin of the Stepford Cuckoos, but otherwise just skip this entirely.

4/10. Mediocre.