A review by greywaren24
Steel Crow Saga by Paul Krueger


5/5 stars

I don't even know where to begin with this one. Everything in this book is wonderful. The setting, based on different Asian countries and cultures, is super interesting and unique, and you get fully involved in the politics of it, even if it's not the main focus of the book. The "magic" is great too, and the way different cultures react and interact with different aspects of that magic is fascinating. The writing is the perfect mix of flowery and to the point and it never feels too heavy or too light.

The plot is your classic "escort this guy to the throne so he can be the new ruler" story, but the characters... Oh my god, the characters. I'm completely and absolutely in love with the four main characters. I'm always gonna have a little part of my heart dedicated to Tala, Lee, Xiulan and Jimuro. They're so unique and have so many layers to them that you could tell me they're real people and I'd believe you. Their relationships are also handled really well and the fact that the book mostly focuses on them instead of the overarching story was very welcome, because they're definitely the strongest part of the whole thing.

I also think I need to mention the representation and diversity in this story. It's unbelievably good. You have a ton of important female characters, explicitly bisexual and homosexual characters, trans characters, characters with disabilities...

It was so good. I really, really, really enjoyed this book and I strongly recommend it. I'll definitely check out more of Paul Krueger's work in the future, too.