A review by romantasylife
Other Broken Things by Christa Desir


Like all of Desir's books, Other Broken Things touches on some really sensitive topics. In this book, she's tackling alcoholism and addiction.

Natalie was a boxer, until her parents told her that she couldn't because that's not what women of their social status do. She went from fighting in the ring to drinking. She didn't realize that she had a problem. All of her friends did it, so why was it a problem for her? When she gets her DUI, she's sentenced to go to AA meetings for six months. Nat doesn't think she needs these meetings. She doesn't have a problem. Does she?

At AA, Nat meets Joe. A WAY older man who helps her through her addiction. This was the only problematic thing I had with this book. The age gap was too big for my comfort and I was extremely uncomfortable reading their sexy scene.

But, you see Nat learn to live with her addiction. You see her slip up like people in recovery do. Other Broken Things is yet another YA book that can help younger and even older readers go through what they're going through. I feel like this book could really save someone's life when it comes to drinking.