A review by bookedwithlex
Credence by Penelope Douglas


honestly had to push through reading this only because I knew how it ended and I needed to know how it happened. the ending isn't really worth the trauma those books caused me. 

page 1 to 200 : nothing really happens. Tiernan learns how to live on a farm and tending to a household in the middle of nowhere in winter. [barn keeping, hunting, fishing, etc] 

200 to 350 : hell breaks loose. literally. a fire, some sexual content [bordeline assault tbh], fights, anger issues, isolation for long period of time. 

350 to 470 : we learn what happened to Kaleb and why he's the way he is. Jake finds the person he needs and Noah realizes racing his the love of his life. 

the 2 last chapters are cute but do not counter balance the darkness in the rest of the book. 

the first 200 pages were useless, my friend who was reading the book picked up where I was so we could read together and she said that she understood everything. 

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