A review by chrissymcbooknerd
Son of Slappy (Goosebumps Most Wanted #2) by R.L. Stine


I really do believe it's easier to be good than bad.

It's something I knew from the time I was a tiny kid.

And then something happened.

Something happened, and I turned bad. I turned very bad. No. Let's tell the truth. I, Jackson Stander, became evil.

And that's what this story is all about....

I remember reading the GOOSEBUMPS series when I was really young, and I really adored them at the time. The two that still stand out in my mind are the one about the haunted mask and the one where the father in the basement became a plant. Those were AWESOME! So, of course, I was excited when I had the opportunity to review a new GOOSEBUMPS read that promised to be a little more scary than those from my youth.

So, in this one, we meet Jackson, a ridiculously well-behaved young boy who tries always to do the right thing. He is a good son, a great student, and even a nice brother -- although his sister, Rachel, always resents that he gets more attention for being the "good" child.

One day, Rachel and Jackson are sent away to their Grandfather's house for a short vacation. As a collector, Grandfather has a little of everything strange and wonderful in his home, including a room full of ventriloquist dolls. He shows one to Jackson, saying that is a reproduction of a very evil doll named Slappy. Slappy could literally be brought to life by reading a special phrase, at which point Slappy would make his owner his slave -- and his tool for spreading evil in the world.

Despite the fact that he is assured that Slappy cannot be brought to life based on the mere fact that he is only a reproduction, Jackson is still curious and wants to say the phrase just once to see what happens. Little did he know what evil (and hilarity) would ensure once this particular chain of events got started....

Not only was SON OF SLAPPY scary (for a younger crowd, I mean), it was disturbing and even really funny at times. Like, the scene where Jackson threw chocolate all over the walls or the one where the puppet started biting people? Hilarious!

And OMG, that ending! I should have seen it coming -- what a brilliant twist! Be forewarned, though -- this one ends on a HUGE cliffhanger!

So, for those of you who grew up on the GOOSEBUMPS series, you won't want to miss this modern extension, for sure. And for younger kids (who are old enough to not have creepy nightmares about disturbing cackling dolls), this will definitely be a fun read! I will certainly read others in the series in the future! :)