A review by giulay
Midnight at the Electric by Jodi Lynn Anderson


"Grief isn’t like sadness at all. Sadness is only something that’s a part of you. Grief becomes you"

I think I got into this book expecting something completely different.

I thought it was going to be an edgy sci-fi, characterised by Anderson’s gorgeous writing style. The writing style that I came to adore while reading [b:Tiger Lily|7514925|Tiger Lily|Jodi Lynn Anderson|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1329681513s/7514925.jpg|9720811].

Instead I got a very lovely contemporary about the importance of friendship characterised by Anderson’s gorgeous writing style.

Now, this is not bad (like, at all) per se but, you see, I was expecting a sci-fi. So, of course my hopes and wishes for this book were not met.

Still, as said before, it was a very lovely book - if not a bit convoluted - about friendship and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to the audiobook.

Not as heart-wrenching and breathtaking as Tiger Lily, but still a very delicate book written in a very whimsical way.

"I think all my life my heart’s been broken,” Adri whispered, “and I didn’t even notice. And I don’t even know by what."