A review by carolpk
The Reckoning by Jane Casey


The Hook - A promising series I started and forgot about.

The Line”The morning after the night before is never a lot of fun, especially if don’t drink much as a rule.”

The Sinker – Nothing horribly earth shattering but I thoroughly enjoyed this second book in the Maeve Kerrigan Series.

I suppose you could call it a London police procedural. Just as I would expect there’s a new round of brutal killings of women and the perpetrators of these to find. There are grizzly details so this is not for those of you who don’t like graphic violence. I didn’t get a strong sense of London but that may just be me. It certainly didn’t bother me. The police department and flats, etc. are described well enough. What I really liked was the nod to how British police are unarmed and just who comes in with the guns. I honestly think this is the first time I have gotten a clear sense of this in a book.

Maeve Kerrigan is a strong character making her place in a man’s world. She has room for growth as self-doubt is still coming through loud and clear. She continues her romantic relationship with Rob Langton and spars with enough of her male colleagues to make this woman want to join her team. The addition, though minor, of DC Liv (can’t remember her last name) was a plus, giving Maeve a female ear and someone to commiserate with and also to mentor. I hope to see this character and their relationship grow. It seems more likely for there to be more than one woman on the team.

Count me in for number 3.