A review by sapphic_swiftie
Broken Wish by Julie C. Dao


Rating: 3.5 stars

this book was pretty good! here are my thoughts:

things i liked:
- it was a quick, easy and fun read!
- there wasn't exactly a happy ending which i actually liked in this case. it was one of the few things that made the book seem a little less cliche.
- the characters were relatable and there were definitely some awesome friendships and bonds between some of the characters that I loved!
- i loved the setting, both the physical setting and time period!
- the theme is timeless and definitely very important and relevant to today's society!

things i disliked:
- some parts were a bit cliche. i would say that the book would stand out more if it had more unique elements/qualities to it.
- the writing/diction was very basic, almost middle-grade. i wish the author had also went into further detail on some aspects and used more descriptive language.
- the plot and characters lacked full development. that's not to say i didn't enjoy the book, but with a little more development , i would have been even more captivated and interested!

i would definitely recommend giving it a try yourself! excited for the next book, [b:Shattered Midnight|57007816|Shattered Midnight (The Mirror, #2)|Dhonielle Clayton|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1620329338l/57007816._SY75_.jpg|79185925] to come out in october!

2021 rating: book 20/37